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deepredsunset: Love always Eigenwerk
von Ahnengalerie aus der Kategorie Gedicht - Gefühle, Liebe - Sehnsucht, Hoffnung

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Texte -> Gedichte
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Erstellt:    27.03.2005 00:00
Geändert: 28.07.2008 20:02
4962 Lesungen, 1.5KB

How are you doing
I have not heard from you for a while
Why did you not call back
Dont you know I miss your smile

The last time I saw you
You looked deep into my eyes
Telling me things
Which were so nice

I believed you
You made me feel free
I trusted you
You made me feel happy

But where are you now
I am sitting here at home
Waiting for you to come back
Cause you left me here alone

You are many miles away
We seem to be so far apart
But still you are here
I am keeping you in my heart

Every time I think of you
I know you do care
Hope you have feelings
Which you can share

You are always on my mind
And there is not any shame
But still it is difficult
Just to whisper your name

Tell me all the things
That I want to know
Because I believe
I am losing control

It is the first time in my life
That I am crying
And for the first time in my life
I feel like dying

I am at this place
You can see my tears
And I might drowning
Through all coming years

Tonight, in this dark corner
I am writing you this letter
Hoping you will read it
And come back to do it all better

No matter what they say
I wont have any pain
Because I am very sure
There is nobody I will blame

I am still here
I am going to wait
Until you come back
It will never be too late

And no matter for how long
I will count the days
Because I love you
Love always.

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